Jul 7, 2021 | Graphic Design, Package Design, Product Design
The wait is over! First production pieces of the Never Ending Defender (NED) arrived and are being shipped to customers. Design Interface Inc. (designinterface.com) worked on the product design, package design and graphic design for this innovative basketball training...
Jun 18, 2021 | Graphic Design, Medical Device Design, Package Design, Product Design
https://designinterface.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/DI-promo-210804-sm30.mp4 If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is even better! Watch our Introductory video to get a peek at some of the creative services we offer. To see more of our work,...
Jun 4, 2021 | Branding, Graphic Design, Medical Device Design, Package Design, Product Design, Uncategorized
We just added a new cutting machine to our design family. The Cricut Maker®! With our new machine we are able to cut, score and create 2D and 3D projects in half the time it would of taken to do the cutting and scoring manually. I was able to take an illustrator svg....
Mar 12, 2021 | Branding, Graphic Design, Medical Device Design, Package Design, Product Design
You are given a new project to work on and it happens, you sit there, staring blankly, and waiting for inspiration to strike. How can this be your a creative person? But even a creative person can’t just turn creativity on and off like a light switch. Lost mojo is...
Dec 28, 2020 | Graphic Design, Package Design, Product Design
Pantone has announced PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray and PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating as the 2021 Pantone Color of the Year. A combination of dull, familiar gray and the bright yellow of lemon skin. It’s a choice for the past year of quarantine. Ultimate Gray is...
Oct 22, 2020 | Graphic Design, Package Design, Product Design
We are proud to be included in the CIA Faculty show with NED basketball training system. The Never Ending Defender allows basketball players to train on their own, especially important in this time of COVID-19. Adrian Slattery was the lead on this project, he teaches...