mbrio Pregnancy Earbud Adapters + DI Package Design

mbrio Pregnancy Earbud Adapters + DI Package Design

Expectant Moms can now share music with their baby in the womb through mbrio earbud adapters. DI worked with mbrio to develop the package design. It started with Jonathan Klinger and his design for the mbrio earbud adapters. We advised him that the package would be...
DI Package for Fowler’s Mill in Heinen’s

DI Package for Fowler’s Mill in Heinen’s

We consider ourselves partners with our clients, their success is a win-win for all of us. With that, we are proud to announce that Fowler’s Mill Flour is now on the shelves of Heinen’s Grocery Stores. With the Stay At Home order by Ohio’s Governor Dewine during the...
Keyshot Brings Designs to Life

Keyshot Brings Designs to Life

Keyshot is a powerful program used to create 3D renderings, animations and interactive visuals. The models can be customized with different environments, interactive labeling, texture mapping, physical lighting, and animations. Using Keyshot to visualize the product...
Fowler’s Mill Website Redesign

Fowler’s Mill Website Redesign

Check out the new Fowler’s Milling Co. website at www.fowlermill.com. We redesigned and launched it after seven months of hard work and dedication. It’s more visually appealing, easier to navigate, and responsive on all platforms (desktop, laptop, tablets...